An Autonomous Social Science Research Institute Supported by
the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and Government of Gujarat (GoG)
Faculty |
Gagan Bihari Sahu |
Name |
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Gagan Bihari Sahu |
Degree |
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PhD (Economics) |
Position |
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Associate Professor |
Date Of Birth |
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03/02/1970 |
Research Interests |
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Rural Credit, Micro Finance, Migration and Urban Labour Markets and food & nutrition security among tribes. |
Contact Details |
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Phone : +91-261-2977172/2977174, 2255298, Ext - 122 (O)
Mobile :9409552365 |
Fax :
+91-261-2977017 |
E-mail: gaganbs09@gmail.com ,
gagan@css.ac.in |
Bio-sketch |
Dr.Sahu obtained Ph. D degree in Economics from the University of Mysore, Mysore through the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. Currently, he is working as an Acting Director and Associate Professor at the Centre of Social Studies (CSS) in Surat, Gujarat. Earlier, he was with Bankers Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow and ISEC, Bangalore as a senior researcher and Research Officer respectively. His areas of specialization are rural credit, microfinance, migration & urban labor markets, and food & nutrition security among tribes. He has written four books and published several research papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals including The Journal of Peasant Studies, Savings and Development, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Review of Development and Change, The Indian Economic Journal, ArthaVijnana, Indian Journal of Labour Economics and Journal of Social and Economic Development.
Publications |
Books |
1. |
‘SachiSatpathy, Gagan Bihari Sahu and JagannathMallick Women Beedi Workers and Distress Employment,Rawat Publications. |
2. |
‘D. Rajasekhar, Gagan Bihari Sahu and K. H. Anantha (2010).’, The Growing Rural-Urban Disparity in Karnataka, New Delhi: Serials Publications . |
3. |
'Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2008)'. Income, Remittances and Urban Labour Markets: Oriya Migrant Workers in Surat City,ADHIKAR, Bhubaneswar. |
4. |
‘Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2007)', Self-Help Co-operatives andMicro-Financee: Lessons from Orissa,, Ahmedabad: Friends of Women’s Word Banking, India (FWWB-I). |
Articles in Refereed Journals |
1. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu, S. Madheswaran and D. Rajasekhar (2004).‘Credit Constraints and Distress Sales in Rural India: Evidence from Kalahandi District, Orissa’,The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2004, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, pp: 210-241. |
2. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu and D. Rajasekhar (2005).‘Banking Sector Reform and Credit Flow to Indian Agriculture’, Economic and Political Weekly, 2005, Vol. XL (53), pp: 5550 -59. |
3. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu and D. Rajasekhar (2005).‘Urban Bias’ in the Flow of Funds and Deposit Mobilisation: Evidence from Karnataka, India, Savings and Development, 2005, Vol. XXIX (4), pp: 415 -440. |
4. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2007).‘Supply Analysis of Institutional Credit to Agriculture for Major States in India’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, Vol. 62 (4), pp: 664 - 78. |
5. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2008).‘Where Do Our Financial Institutions stand in Extending Agricultural Credit? Evidence from Kalahandi District, Orissa’, Review of Development and Change, 2008, Vol. 13 (1), pp: 49-75. |
6. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2010).‘Urban Labour Markets and Returns to Migration: Destination Surat’, Review of Development and Change, 2010, Vol. XV, No.2, pp: 129-152. |
7. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu and Biswaroop Das (2010).‘Migrant Remittances: Size Channels of Money Transfer among Oriya Workers in Surat City’, The Indian Economic Journal, 2010, Vol 58, No. 1, pp: 77-94. |
8. |
MotilalMahamallik andGagan Bihari Sahu (2011).‘Identification of the Poor: Errors of Exclusion and Inclusion’, Economic and Political Weekly, 2011, Vol. XLVI, No. 9, pp: 71-77. |
9. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2013).“Repayment Performance in Joint Liability Lending: Experience of SHGs in India”, ArthaVijnana, Vol. LV, No. 4, pp:382-401 |
10. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2015).“How Effective is a Self-Help Group Led Microfinance Programme in Empowering Women? Evidence from Rural India”, Journal of Asian and African Studie,Vol. 50, No. 5, pp: 542-558 |
11. |
Biswaroop Das and Gagan Bihari Sahu (2019). “Coping with Cities and Connecting with Villages: Migrant Workers in Surat City”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics,Vol. 62, No.1, pp: 89-112 |
12. |
Gagan Bihari Sahu (2019). “Primitive Tribes and Undernutrition: A Study of Katkari Tribe from Maharashtra, India”, Journal of Social and Economic Development, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp: 234-251 |