An Autonomous Social Science Research Institute Supported by the Indian Council
of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and Government of Gujarat (GoG)
Dolly Sunny
(Director and Senior Professor)
Email Id: cssdirectords@gmail.com
Research Interest: Quantitative Economics, Econometrics, Labour Economics, Development Economics, Financial Economics, Demography.
Gagan Bihari
Sahu Ph.D. (Economics)
(Associate Professor)
Email Id:
gaganbs09@gmail.com, gagan@css.ac.in
Research Interest: Rural Credit, Micro Finance,Migration
and Urban Labour Markets and food & nutrition security among tribes.
Sadan Jha
Ph.D (History)
(Associate Professor)
Email Id: sadanjha@gmail.com
Research Interest: Contemporary urban experience, history of visuality,
history of colours.